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Wallet Cards
Some people like to carry small cards in their wallets or purses, so with this in mind we have a small selection of cards incased in a plastic sleeve and suitable to be placed in wallets, purses and bags. You can also consider our range of prayer cards from the main menu.
Ideal to give as a gift or keepsake.
You can see examples below

Wallet Card - WC01
Comfort Wallet Card.
Words of comfort adorn this wallet card in a protective sleeve.
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Wallet Card - WC02
Prayer to the Holy Spirit Wallet Card.
Prayers to the Holy Spirit adorn this wallet card in a protective sleeve.
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Wallet Card - WC03
Sympathy Wallet Card.
Words of Sympathy adorn this wallet card in a protective sleeve.
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Wallet Card - WC04
The Peace Prayer Wallet Card.
Words and the prayer of Peace adorn this wallet card in a protective sleeve.
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Wallet Card - MC21
Pray the Rosary Leaflet
A pocket size 8 page pull out step by step guide to the Rosary and all the prayers. Includes all mysteries.
An essential guide to those wishing to learn the Rosary or indeed use as a tool to follow.
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Wallet Card - WC05
Pack 10 x Wallet Cards.
Distribute these cards to parishioners, friends and family; they can be kept inside a wallet or purse and will alert medical personnel in the event of an emergency to call a priest. Includes spaces to write in the name of a priest and his telephone number.
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Wallet Card - WC06
A quarter of an hour before the Blessed Sacrament Wallet Card.
Speaking to Jesus by adoring him in the Blessed Sacrament.
A wallet sized fold out card. This wallet card has been made as an aid to adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. Its size makes it simple to carry and to give to people who are spending this special time with the Lord.
Written as a conversation between the person in prayer and Jesus, the text is meant to help people pass 15 minutes quietly reflecting on the love of Jesus, present in the Blessed Sacrament. It invites them to speak with him and to open their hearts and lives to his power.
It's perfect for putting at the back of the Church or for use during Adoration.
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Wallet Card - WC07
Going to Confession Wallet Card.
Instructions for the Rite of Reconciliation. A wallet sized fold out card. This simple, clear and attractive card brings together an examination of conscience, instructions for participating in the Sacrament and a prayer of thanksgiving for afterwards.
Easy to carry in your pocket or handbag, this aid is there to help Catholics profit of the forgiveness that is offered by Christ in the Sacrament of Reconciliation.