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sanctuary lamp glass holders

Christian churches often have at least one lamp continually burning before the tabernacle, not only as an ornament of the altar, but for the purpose of worship. The General Instruction of the Roman Missal in the Catholic Church, for instance, states (in 316): "In accordance with traditional custom, near the tabernacle a special lamp, fuelled by oil or wax, should be kept alight to indicate and honour the presence of Christ."
The sanctuary lamp, also called a chancel lamp, is placed before the tabernacle or aumbry in Roman Catholic churches as a sign that the Lord is present, Old Catholic, and Anglican churches as a sign that the Blessed Sacrament is reserved or stored. It is also found in the chancel of Lutheran and Methodist churches to indicate the presence of Christ in the sanctuary, as well as a belief in the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist. The sanctuary lamp may also be seen in Eastern Orthodox Churches. Other Christian denominations burn the lamp to show that the light of Christ always burns in a sin-darkened world. With influence from Judaism in the Old Testament, God told Moses that a lamp filled with the pure oil should perpetually burn in the Tabernacle (Ex 27:20-21). This is always the precedent for the Catholic Church’s custom of burning a candle before the tabernacle.
Such sanctuary or tabernacle lamps are often coloured red, though this is not prescribed by law. This serves to distinguish this light from other votive lights within the church. In the Catholic Church, red is widely used despite the preference for white expressed by Fortescue. The use of multiple lights, always in odd numbers, i.e., three, five, seven, or more, in place of a single lamp has now become rarer, though it is still seen in some older Catholic churches and in eastern Christian churches. The lamp may be suspended by a rope or chain over the tabernacle or near the entry of the sanctuary, or it may be affixed to a wall; it is also sometimes placed on a ledge beside the tabernacle or on an individual stand placed on the floor. Oil lamps or candles may be used.

SLG3-88508C Sanctuary lamp glass
A high quality, clear, Sanctuary Lamp Glass, suitable for 3/4 day lamps.
4 1/2" tall x 3" in diameter. With straight top.

SLG3-88508R Sanctuary lamp glass
A red Sanctuary Lamp Glass with golden decorative IHS design, suitable for 3/4 day lamps.
4 1/2" tall x 3" in diameter. With straight top.

A high quality, clear, Sanctuary Lamp Glass, suitable for 7/8 day lamps.
8" tall x 3" in diameter. With straight top.

A red Sanctuary Lamp Glass with golden decorative IHS design, suitable for 7/8 day lamps.
8" tall x 3" in diameter. With straight top.