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Ministers of Holy communion
Often referred to as Euchasristic Ministers.
With the church changing and more emphasis being placed on lay persons, including Eucharistic Ministers (Lay Ministers) to carry out Communion Visits and Sick Calls, we are proud to offer a small, select range of Eucharistic Minister Crosses and Badges.
The term Eucharistic Minister is used to denote someone who assists the priest in administering the bread and wine. Often this is in the form of the wine, but once licensed, a Eucharistic Minister is licensed to administer in both kinds (namely both the bread and the wine).
A further role of the Eucharistic Minister in the Anglican Church is for them to administer home communion to the sick and housebound. In some Anglican churches Eucharistic
Ministers will take intinctured bread (bread from the communion table that has had a drop of blessed wine placed on it)directly from the communion services to housebound
communicants in the surrounding area.

Minister Celtic style gold colour cross with "Eucharistic Minister" centre. 3" in size on 30" cord.
Comes gift boxed.

Minister gold colour cross with "Eucharistic table" centre. 3" in size on 30" cord.
Comes gift boxed.

Eucharistic Minister Pewter 1" pin badge. Makes an ideal gift.
Comes gift boxed.

Minister Kit
Suitable for all Special, Lay, Eucharistic and Extraordinary Ministers. Ideal for home and hospital visits as the kit contains everything you need for that visit.
Great for beginner and experienced Ministers alike. Available in a choice of gold or silver cross embroidered bag.
Great as a gift

This fantastic kit contains:-
Drawstring blue cotton bag 20x24cm with gold or silver embroidered cross - your choice!
1 x Gold colour, embossed 12 capacity Pyx
1 x Black velvet Pyx purse
1 x 18cm x 18cm mini altar linen corporal, white with laced edges and cross
1 x Holy water bottle with integral sprinkler
1 x 10cm mahogany cross
1 x Minister pin badge in presentation box
6 x Prayer cards for after communion
1 x 24hr burning time red votive candle
1 x mini pen
1 x sticky note pad 3"x3"
1 x Minister guide leaflet - telling you all you need about the post
1 x Prayer book containing the order of Mass also
1 x Special Minister Study Book