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Lectern & Pulpit Falls
Pulpit is a speakers' stand in a church. In many Christian churches, there are two speakers' stands at the front of the church. Typically, the one on the left (as viewed by the congregation) is called the pulpit. Since the Gospel lesson is often read from the pulpit, the pulpit side of the church is sometimes called the gospel side.
The other speaker's stand, usually on the right (as viewed by the congregation), is known as the lectern. The word lectern comes from the Latin word "lectus", past participle of legere, meaning "to read", because the lectern primarily functions as a reading stand. It is typically used by lay people to read the scripture lessons (except for the Gospel lesson), to lead the congregation in prayer, and to make announcements. Because the epistle lesson is usually read from the lectern, the lectern side of the church is sometimes called the epistle side. In other churches, the lectern, from which the Epistle is read, is located to the congregation's left and the pulpit, from which the sermon is delivered, is located on the right (the Gospel being read from either the center of the chancel or in front of the altar).
As well as a stndard range of falls, shown below, we are also able to make your own style and design it together with you, offering a bespoke service and embroidery options.
Contact us now to design your bespoke Lectern/Pulpit Falls.

Damask Lectern Fall - LF-88700C
A damask fabric Lectern Fall sized at 98"x19.5".
A gold damask fabric with a central woven cross panel. Gold braid fringe applied to botton of the fall.
Lined in gold fabric.
Available from stock.

Wool Lectern Fall - LF-88701C
A wool fabric Lectern Fall sized at 98"x19.5".
Embroidered cross and wheat design on pure wool fabric with gold thread embroidery. Gold braid fringe applied to botton of the fall.
Available in 4 colours (Red, Violet, Cream, Green)
Available from stock.

Woven Lectern Fall - LF-88702C
A woven fabric Lectern Fall sized at 98"x19.5".
Embroidered Chi-Rho and grapes design on polyester fabric in gold thread. Gold braid fringe applied to botton of the fall.
Available in 4 colours (Red, Violet, Cream, Green)
Available from stock.

Wool Lectern Fall - LF-88703C
A pure wool fabric Lectern Fall sized at 98"x19.5".
​Tapestry design central fabric panel on a pure wool fabric. Gold braid fringe applied to botton of the fall.
Available in 4 colours (Red, Violet, Cream, Green)
Available from stock.

Woven Lectern Fall - LF-88704C
A woven fabric Lectern Fall sized at 98"x19.5".
Embroidered Chi-Rho design on polyester fabric in gold thread. Gold braid fringe applied to botton of the fall.
Available in 4 colours (Red, Violet, Cream, Green)
Available from stock.

Wool Lectern Fall - LF-88705C
A wool fabric Lectern Fall sized at 98"x19.5".
Embroidered Cross design on pure wool fabric in gold and red thread. Gold braid fringe applied to botton of the fall.
Available in 4 colours (Red, Violet, Cream, Green)
Available from stock.

Woven Lectern Fall - LF-88706C
A woven fabric Lectern Fall sized at 98"x19.5".
Embroidered IHS design on polyester fabric in gold thread. Gold braid fringe applied to botton of the fall.
Available in 4 colours (Red, Violet, Cream, Green)
Available from stock.

Wool Lectern Fall - LF-88707C
A pure wool fabric Lectern Fall sized at 98"x19.5".
Simple embroidered Cross design on pure wool fabric in gold thread.. Gold braid fringe applied to botton of the fall.
Available in 4 colours (Red, Violet, Cream, Green)
Available from stock.

Wool Lectern Fall - LF-88708C
A pure wool fabric Lectern Fall sized at 98"x19.5".
Embroidered Cross, Wheat & Grapes design on pure wool fabric in gold thread. Gold braid fringe applied to botton of the fall.
Available in 4 colours (Red, Violet, Cream, Green)
Available from stock.

Damask Lectern Fall - LF-201/25
A fabric of Damask Lectern Fall with modern woven bands applied to each side. Available in a variety of standard sizes: 50x90cm, 50x160cm, 50x200cm, 50x250cm.
Available in the following colours: Red, Purple, White, Cream, Green, Rose Pink, Black, Gold & Blue.
Made to order in 4 weeks.
If you require a bespoke size, please contact us for pricing as this is possible.

Damask Lectern Fall - LF-579/25
A fabric of Damask Lectern Fall with a central velvet band upon which is applied a gold thread celtic style cross embroidery design, the full length. Available in a variety of standard sizes: 50x90cm, 50x160cm, 50x200cm, 50x250cm.
Available in the following colours: Red, Purple, White, Cream, Green, Rose Pink, Black, Gold & Blue.
Made to order in 4 weeks.
If you require a bespoke size, please contact us for pricing as this is possible.

Damask Lectern Fall - LF-693/25
A fabric of Damask Lectern Fall with a central woven band upon which is applied a gold thread single cross. Available in a variety of standard sizes: 50x90cm, 50x160cm, 50x200cm, 50x250cm.
Available in the following colours: Red, Purple, White, Cream, Green, Rose Pink, Black, Gold & Blue.
Made to order in 4 weeks.
If you require a bespoke size, please contact us for pricing as this is possible.