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Incense, Oils & Charcoal
Incense has been employed in the worship of the vast majority of Christian groups since antiquity, particularly in the Eastern Christian churches, the Roman Catholic Church, and some Anglican and Lutheran Churches. The practice is probably rooted in the earlier traditions of Judaism in the time of the Second Temple. The smoke of burning incense is interpreted by the Roman Catholic Church and Eastern Christian churches as a symbol of the prayer of the faithful rising to heaven.
A thurible, a type of censer, is used to contain incense as it is burned. A server called a thurifer, sometimes assisted by a "boat bearer" who carries the receptacle for the incense, approaches the person conducting the service with the thurible charged with burning bricks of red-hot charcoal. Incense, in the form of pebbly grains or powder, is taken from what is called a "boat", and usually blessed with a prayer and spooned onto the coals. The thurible is then closed, and taken by the chain and swung by the priest, deacon or server or acolyte towards what or who is being incensed: the bread and wine offered for the Eucharist, the consecrated Eucharist itself, the Gospel during its proclamation (reading), the crucifix, the icons (in Eastern churches), the clergy, the congregation, the Paschal candle or the body of a deceased person during a funeral.
Incense may be used in Christian worship at the celebration of the Eucharist, at solemn celebrations of the Divine Office, in particular at Solemn Vespers, at Solemn Evensong, at funerals, benediction and exposition of the Eucharist, the consecration of a church or altar and at other services. In the Orthodox Church, incense is used at virtually every service.
Many formulations of incense are currently used, often with frankincense, myrrh, styrax, copal or other aromatics.
Here at North East Church Supplies, we are able to offer you the best prices in a huge variety of incense for all your church needs. Brands such as Prinknash as well as our own blends are among our products.
As official suppliers of Prinknash products, we are able to offer you a variety of Prinknash related items including 1lb (500g) incense boxes and tubs, individual sample packs and charcoals for burning of the grains. The Benedictine Monks of Prinknash Abbey have been blending incense since 1906, when the community was on Caldey Island and are now the oldest major incense blenders in Europe.
We are also proud to blend our own incense and have many varieties to choose from as well as limited run editions and special blends for those extra special occasions. Available in 50, 100 and 250ml sealed lid jars. Ideal if you wish to trial a variety or have now found the aroma of your continued liking.
We also offer a selection of anointing and prayer oils that fit neatly in your pocket or case. As we blend these in our workshop using only natural ingredients, you can be
sure of 100% quality at all times.
Keep these away from children and pets - not to be ingested (taken internally).

Own Blend Incense
Exclusively blended by North East Church Supplies, this range offers you three sizes and many different and individual aromas suitable for all occasions.
Prinknash Incense
As UK distributors for Prinknash, we are able to offer you the full range of full size and sample incense products produced by the Monks of Prinknash Abbey, UK.
These charcoal discs are suitable for burning the incense grains in a suitable thurible (censor) in church and come in boxes of 100pcs (10 pieces per roll)
Prayer & Anointing Oils
Exclusively blended by North East Church Supplies, our range of oils are suitable for prayer and anointing, using only the finest, natural ingredients.
A small range of accessories suitable to compliment of range of incense and oils.