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Hymn boards & numbers
A hymn board is a board in a church building that lists the hymns that will be sung during the service. Normally, the hymns are indicated by the number under which the hymn appears in the church's hymnal. The display of hymn numbers in this way can allow the congregation to bookmark the relevant pages of the hymnal in advance, to make it easier to worship during the service. Hymn numbers may also be printed on a notice sheet distributed before the service.

Hymn boards originated in the sixteenth century. Originally, the usual practice was to write the opening lines of the hymns on the board, but in the early eighteenth century, it became more common to refer to the hymns' numbers in the church's hymnal.
HB88910 / HB889911 Oak Hymn Boards
Hymn Boards
Both styles are made from the finest solid oak with oak veneer finish and are available in two different sizes.
Available in two popular sizes:
5 row (h 23" w 12") or 6 row (h 27" w 12")

HB88909 Oak Hymn Board (Standing)
Standing Hymn Board
Attractive solid oak and light oak veneer finish Standing Hymn Board.
Mobile and can be easily moved. Ideal for situations where wall fixings are not available/desired.
Size: h 65" w 14" d 14".
To order in circa 2 weeks

Hymn Board Numbers
With every Hymn Board you require numbers. These are available in hard wearing gloss coated cardboard numbers. Black numbers on white.
Set 60. Size 3 3/4" x 2 3/4"
(Hymn board not included in image)