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Welcome to THE  North East Church Supplies website - We do hope that you enjoy your visit and should you require any further information, please contact us using the details shown above.

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We hope that you enjoy your visit and we look forward to helping you very soon...

Featured Products...

Lay Reader's Kit Church of England
Lay Reader's Kit Church of England
2025 Paschal Candle Transfers ALL.jpg

Take advantage of the savings when purchasing our LAY (LLM) READERS KIT (Cassock, scarf and surplice)...

2025 Paschal Candle Transfers available from stock with or without candles...

AdobeStock_186181746 small - Copy.jpg
Clerical Shirt
Clergy Shirts
Priest Tonsure Shirt
Ladies Clergy Shirt
Short sleeve clergy shirt
Ladies Long Sleeve Clergy Shirt
Clergy Shirt
Clergy Shirt
Clergy Shirt
Clergy Shirt
Clergy Shirt
Multibuy Savings

multi-buy options available

Make sure you have your palms stocks ready in time whether it be palm leaves (natural or artificial) or palm crosses - stock up now in time...

Massive range of Clergy shirts for both male and female clergy  -  No big margins means you get the best in prices for our range of shirts, blouses and collars with great, low multi-buy prices available now...

Latin Mass Altar Cards
Latin Mass Altar Cards
Latin Mass Altar Cards
Latin Mass Altar Cards
New Products
Latin Mass Altar Cards

Many new styles now available

A selection of high quality Latin Mass Altar Cards offered in either framed or unframed formats.  Ideal for placement on the church altar for celebration of the Latin Mass... NEW STYLES NOW AVAILABLE

New Chasuble Designs Available

Semi Gothic Chasubles
New Products

A new range of Chasuble designs are now available to order - see our Chasubles page for a range of new fabrics and designs...



Now back in stock, our Grade 1, high quality olibanum incense resin.  after a difficult year for harvesting the resin in 2020, we now have stocks available once again in 50, 100 and 250ml jars (weights may differ due to the resin being a natural product)

get yours now whilst stocks last

The best quality, natural and unprocessed incense resin...




Here at North East Church Supplies, we try to bring you the widest range of church garments and creations.  We are constantly looking to widen our range and can help you with your ideas to create something truly unique and special at an affordable price.



We specialise in the creation of bespoke clergywear, in particular, vestments, to suit your unique minsitry, your individual tastes and status. Our tailors are experts in assessing your precise needs, and we can advise on the simple provision of a beautifully made vestment - or we can work with you to create an entire collection of bespoke garments that will match your requirements and exceed your expectations.

We also offer a bespoke service for all other items too including linens, altar cloths and falls, antependiums and so on...


Contact us now to disucuss your ideas.

© Copyright North East Church Supplies 2024  -  E&OE

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