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Suppliers of church furnishings, consumables, garments and much more...
All of our garments are made from the best available materials and we take pride in what we create and sell.
Before we list any new item, we request sample products and fabrics from our suppliers and manufacturers so that we can check the quality and workmanship before listing anything for sale and before commencing any making of garments.
Only when we are 100% happy with a product do we list for sale - we know that you want the best value for money and North East Church Supplies are determined to give you this.
Please check the Garment sub-menus above for a range of fantastic products at value for money prices!
We are constantly adding new products to our ranges so keep checking back or contact us if there is something you require but cannot see listed - we may be able to help.
Please note that due to the number of vestments available and the countless designs and size options, we are unable to carry stocks of these products. Vestments will be made to order so please allow a little time for delivery. You will agree they are worth the short wait when you see the quality.
We appreciate that they are a personal choice of garment and that you have lots of options available to make your choice from. We aim to have vestments made in our workshop in circa 2-3 weeks, although at Easter, Ordination and Christmas times, delivery leadtimes may be slightly extended due to the amount of made to measure vestments and garments required fom our workshop.
Some items, such as Cassocks, Mozzettas etc can take longer. As you will appreciate that bespoke and made to measure garments can take time to create. They involve a large number of man hours and detailing. As such these items can take 4 weeks for manufacture. Again, a small wait for a beautiful garment and at a price that is right.
Items from our Italia Range may take longer than the general 3-4 weeks. Depending on the time of year, some bespoke items may take up to 90 days to be hand crafted in Rome. Please check before placing any order for Italia Range items.
As clergy tailors, we cannot always offer garments with a 24hr availability.
When ordering vestments, it may be advisable to first request a fabric sample. We would be happy to send you a swatch so that you are happy with the fabric and colour choice before we begin work creating your garment. Once work has begun, we are unable to cancel your bespoke order. Once the garment is received, it cannot be returned.