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Christian fish symbols (ichthys)
The Bible relates a number of accounts where fish were a significant aspect of Jesus' ministry. On one occasion (Matthew 14:19), Jesus served several thousand families with a meal of bread and fish.
On another occasion (Matthew 4:19), Jesus called Peter and Andrew, saying, "Follow me and I will make you fishers of men."
Many early Christians were persecuted and forced to worship secretly. The fish symbol served as a secret form of communication. Often the persecuted Christians would scratch this symbol on the ground to identify themselves to fellow believers. Soon, Christians began to attach meaning to the word "fish" itself.
The Greek letters for ichthus (meaning "fish", pronounced "ICK-THOOS") became an acronym: I=Jesus; X=Christ; O=God's; Y=Son; E=Savior. Today, the person who displays the fish symbol has accepted the same New Testament teaching that these early Christians accepted: that Jesus Christ is their Lord and Savior. By a decision of faith, this person has entered into a personal relationship with God and knows the reality of God's forgiveness. "That if you confess with your mouth, 'Jesus is Lord', and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved" (Romans 10:9, NIV).
We offer you below a choice of three designs in the Ichthys style. Ideal as gifts

Christian Fish Emblems - CFE1
Plain Christian Fish Emblem.
Measures 5" long by 1-1/2" high.
Bright chrome finish with self-sticking adhevise backing.
Perfect for use on autos and make a great gift idea.

Christian Fish Emblems - CFE2
Jesus Christian Fish Emblem.
Measures 5" long by 1-1/2" high.
Bright chrome finish with self-sticking adhevise backing.
Perfect for use on autos and make a great gift idea.

Christian Fish Emblems - CFE3
IXOYE Christian Fish Emblem.
Measures 5" long by 1-1/2" high.
Bright chrome finish with self-sticking adhevise backing.
Perfect for use on autos and make a great gift idea.