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A large range of cards suiatble for Baptism, Confirmation, First Holy Communion, Ordination, Sympathy & Bereavement as well as a huge range of prayer and wallet cards. There is something available for every ocassion and if there is something that you specifically require, please contact us as there are hundreds of designs available
Select your choice for the below sub-menus

Baptism Cards
A selection of cards suitable for both male and female Baptisms. From stock
Confirmation Cards
A selection of cards suitable for both male and female Confirmation. From stock
First Holy Communion Cards
A selection of cards suitable for both male and female for First Holy Communion. From stock
Ordination Cards
A selection of cards suitable for ordination greetings & celebration. From stock
Bereavement & Sympathy Cards
A selection of cards suitable for Bereavement, Sympathy and Mass Offerings. From stock
Welcome to the Church Cards
Cards that are given as greetings and welcoming new members into Church. From stock
Wallet Cards
A selection of various prayer cards that are ideally sized to fit into wallets, purses and bags.
From stock
Prayer Cards
A wide selection of prayer cards ideal for all ocassions. They make an ideal gift that can be kept safely in your wallet or purse and can be included inside greeting cards as a keepsake.
From stock
Liturgy Cards
A wide selection of prayer cards ideal for all ocassions. They make an ideal gift that can be kept safely in your wallet or purse and can be included inside greeting cards as a keepsake.
From stock