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advent incense
We produce a small range of own blend incense which is suitable (but no restricted to) Advent. We blend these aromas in-house and have spent many years developing the exact aromas that our customers have come to like and indeed order time and time again.
We offer three sizes of incense for your convenience and all are made from the best quality, natural ingredients with a base of Grade 1 Olibanum Frankincense resin.
Our incense is designed to be burnt in a suitable thurible/censor and for church use only

"Try our own blend varieties now, you will not be disappointed"

Pure Grade 1 Olibanum Resin Incense
The highest quality and hand picked Hojari Olibanum Frankincense resin from Oman.
Freshly tapped from the Boswellia tree by slashing the bark and allowing the exuded resins to bleed out and harden. Resin tears vary in size. Concentrated aroma means these resins last longer and create a wonderful burn.
It has a warm, rich aroma with a tang of lemon and woody camphor with a slight eucalyptus overtone.
Tear sizes vary in tone and size...

Olibanum Resin Mix Incense Blend
Following on from the greatly sucessful hand picked Hojari Olibanum Frankincense resin from Oman that we offer.
We can now offer you a fully natural mixed incense of 'Grade A' Hojari Olibanum Frankincense resin carefully and naturally blended with fine frankincense siftings and powdered grains as well as natural Bosweilla tree bark, taken from the same trees as the resin is extruded from.
Beacuse of the small tears, powdered resin and barks, this incense is great for those that prefer more smoke...

Benedictus Incense Blend
Benedictus Incense is a mixed blend incense exclusive to NECS and blened in-house as per all of our own blends.
A fantastic aroma with sweet smelling grains and oils making it ideal for all occasions. Gold and earth coloured grains.
Blended and named to coincide with the visit of Pope Benedict XVI to the UK back in 2010 and has been a popular choice since.

John Paul II Incense Blend
North East Church Supplies "JOHN PAUL II" incense. Released to coincide with the May 1st 2011 Beatification of Pope John Paul II.
Pope Benedict XVI formally approved a miracle attributed to his late predecessor, paving the way to John Paul II's beatification on 1 May 2011.
The process of beatification, or declaring the late pontiff to be "blessed", was a crucial step towards making him a saint. John Paul II died in 2005 after a papacy of nearly 27 years.
A beautiful spiced aroma with a lemon overtone and slight hints of vanilla.